Lesson #7: 17 March 2016

I’ve been working at a new company for just over a year. And the year was a learning curve – I had to grapple with understanding a product and the processes.

At times, I suffered immense stress but soldiered on. And now I’ve reached a point of feeling more comfortable.

Then this week I was asked by a senior manager to move to a new product because the product owner resigned. Initially, I accepted on the spot without much thought.

However, the evening I started doubting my decision and wished to stay in my current role. I didn’t want to go through another year of newness.

I spoke up about my reservations for wishing for some consistency. I was begged to take on the role. However, the manager noted my concerns and acknowledged that my move would be a sacrifice.

I accepted the job to alleviate his strain.

I wish my lesson could be that you should be selfish sometimes because it is what I believe.

But my lesson instead is that you should stand up for yourself. If I didn’t, no one would’ve realised that I was making a sacrifice.